Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Causes of the Great Depression Outline

Pretend you are getting ready to write a mini-essay (P1 Q#4) Create a thesis statement from the following prompt and THEN develop an outline of your main points and evidence that supports your main points. Your main points should directly relate to your thesis statement.
Prompt: To what extent was the Wall Street Crash a cause of the Great Depression of 1929? Support your argument with specific examples.

Thesis: The Wall Street Crash was not a major cause of the Great Depression as there were many other factors that contributed equally if not more, such as consumers purchasing less, an unequal distribution of income and a crisis in the farm sector.
I.The Wall Street Crash
a.the Wall Street Crash was caused by other, more important things was a cycle of events and many other factors contributed more to the Great Depression
II. Consumers Purchasing Less
a. availability of credit
b. the stock market crash
III. An Unequal Distribution of Income
a.more and more people losing their jobs and aren't able to live off of their income
b.these people are not helping the economy
IV.Crisis in the Farm Sector bought a lot of land during WWI because demand was high, now demand is low because consumers are purchasing less, high supply and low demand took more money to make the products than the farmers received from people purchasing them

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