Tuesday, September 15, 2009

14.3 Names

Andrew Carnegie-example of the American success story, went from poor to rich, owned Carnegie Steel Company which manufactured steel

Social Darwinism-from Charles Darwin's theory about natural selection, survival of the fittest, money is a sign of God's favor, the government shouldn't interfere with business

John D. Rockefeller-established Standard Oil Company, used trust to gain control of the country's oil industry, payed employees low wages and sold oil at lower prices than it could be made, which drove competitors out of business.  Once he controlled the market, he made oil cost more.  Was called a "robber baron."  Established the Rockefeller Foundation which provided college funds.

Sherman Antitrust Act-made it illegal to form a trust interfering with free trade between states and other countries, wasn't easily enforced, the government gave up and it continued

Samuel Gompers-led the Cigar Makers Union to join with other craft unions in 1886, president of AFL

American Federation of Labor (AFL)-used negotiation between reps and labor-management to reach written agreements on wages, hours and work conditions

Eugene V. Debs-formed the American Railway Union (ARU), was not very successful

Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)-"Wobblies," led by WIlliam "Big Bill" Haywood, included minors, lumberers, cannery and dockworkers, welcomed African-Americans (unlike the ARU)

Mary Harris Jones-organized the United Mine Workers of America (UMW), fought for equal pay and and end to child labor

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